Hannah Willemsen
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Hannah Willemsen is a nutrition coach, author of the book series “Hormon Food”, podcaster of the podcast “Eat yourself healthy” and mom of 2 young children.
During her first pregnancy, Hannah began to explore the topic of nutrition. She wanted to not only take good care of herself, but also her baby with all the important nutrients. In the course of this, she became aware of the positive effects of omega-3. From then on, the adequate supply of omega-3 fatty acids was a fixed and indispensable part of her and her family’s diet.
What Hannah’s favorite breakfast looks like, what her secret tips are for getting her kids to eat omega-3, and how she got to a good omega-6/3 ratio of 4:1, Hannah revealed to us in this interview.
Dear Hannah, I can imagine that as a full-blooded mom and self-employed person, things can get turbulent at times. Can you tell us what a typical day looks like for you?
Waking up the kids, preparing breakfast and taking them to school and daycare, usually at the last minute. Then I start working, I’m lucky to be able to work from home, it makes it easier for me to organize with the kids. I give nutritional coaching, develop recipes or prepare workshops. In the afternoon I pick up the kids, they have a little afternoon snack and the KIDS Jellys. Afterwards, the kids either have their typical activities like sports, singing or guitar and then there is dinner.
As a mom (and of course as a dad) you want only the best for your children. That starts with the food. So what does breakfast or lunch look like for your two kids?
I always try to find a healthy balance and cover all nutrients as much as possible. We have fruits and vegetables every day, either as a snack, soup or even a side dish. I often use the Omega 3 Total in salads, juices or smoothies and the kids regularly ask for their gummies (they mean the Omega 3 KIDS Jelly ?). They are happy about a little “candy” and I’m happy that they are eating something healthy, and easy too.
Does that mean your kids only get the Jellys and they both like them?
Especially my daughter Leni loves the Jelly. My son was not so convinced at the beginning, so I always gave him the Omega 3 Total in his food. But now he also likes the Jellys very much ? I stir the oil either under the pasta or on the weekend in the breakfast juice.
And what about you and your husband? What omega-3 do you take?
We alternate between Omega-3 Total and Omega-3 Vegan Oil. There is no set pattern here, but after a while, usually 2 or 3 months you feel like switching. I think it’s a good mix especially because of the EPA and DHA ratio.
Looks like your husband is going right along with it. Did you have to convince him about Omega-3?
Armin knows that I have been working on healthy nutrition for many years and that it is a matter close to my heart. He trusts me completely on this. When it comes to nutrition and nutrients, I am the expert in the Willemsen household. But of course it took a while at the beginning before he was convinced. ?
That sounds like a good tip, which we will certainly learn from! May I ask if you have already done a fatty acid analysis?
Yes, 2 tests by now. The first one about 1 year ago, the 2nd one five months later… Luckily I was able to improve the omega-6/3 ratio. And that although I also forget to take the oil every now and then.
Thank you for being so honest! I can understand that completely. Do you have a tip for this?
To be honest, I take 2 spoonfuls the next day, which is double the daily dosage. The bottom line is that I take 2,000 mg of omega-3 daily and have achieved a good omega-6/3 ratio, which I would like to maintain.
What does an ideal omega-6/3 ratio look like? And how could you achieve it?
You have a good omega-6/3 ratio when it is around 3:1. Nowadays, the average ratio is up to 20:1, which really shocked me when I learned that. My first result was 6:1, but the follow-up test was all the more gratifying.
Thanks to taking 1 spoonful, or 2,000 mg of omega-3, NORSAN Omega-3 Oil daily, I was able to improve my ratio to 4:1.
That is really a pleasing result! Now as a final question: how do you yourself take the Omega-3 Total or Omega-3 Vegan?
Viele meiner Klientinnen und Klienten bevorzugen die Einnahme pur, da sie NORSAN Öl auch so lecker finden. Ich mische es mir am liebsten in mein morgendliches Müsli. Getoppt mit vielen Leckereien und frischem Obst ist das nicht nur ein leckerer, sondern auch gesunder Start in den Tag.
Thank you so much for your time. We wish you and you all the best and good health!
You want to find out more about Hannah? Go visit her Blog or follow her on Instagram.
Hannahs personal recommendation
For the little ones and for the adults
Norsan Omega-3 Total olje
27,90 € z DDV Koristno za srce, oči in možgane- Naravno ribje olje iz divje ulovljenih rib iz trajnostnega ribolova
- 2.000 mg Omega-3 v dnevnem odmerku (1 jedilna žlica)
- Visoka vsebnost EPA
- 100 % naravno - brez koncentratov
- Hladno stiskano organsko oljčno olje kot antioksidant
- Vitamin D3 (800 IU)
- Prijeten okus limone
- Prečiščeno olje brez škodljivih snovi, PCB-jev in težkih kovin
Norsan Omega-3 Fisk želeji – ribice,
19,90 € – 45,90 € z DDV Za dober telesni in duševni razvoj vašega otroka- Z naravnim ribjim oljem iz trajnostnega divjega ribolova
- 250 mg Omega-3 na žele
- Enostavno za uživanje - žvečljivi želeji
- Okusna sadna aroma jagode in limone - brez dodanega sladkorja